Getting back to Bangalore after a month and getting back to routine is little tough task. I got little lost with directions, landmarks and other small things like lost touch using the cane effectively. Today morning while I was on my way to fetch the breakfast a young man on bike stopped beside me and […]
My Life
Touching 1million Lives
I have this line on my blog “I will help 1 Million men and women transform their lives” on Sunday I was speaking at a local online marketer’s meet and one of the attendees asked how are you going to achieve and how will you know it? Actually there is no system that can match, […]
Good Bye to Bangalore & a warm Hello to Hyderabad
After almost 6yrs of my journey in Bangalore now I am returning home, it’s a strange feeling when one part of your mind say’s it’s time to move and another part of mind say’s no no wait I got more to show…it’s a tough decision like many other’s in my life and I think like […]
My First 10k Run For This Season
Today did my first 10k for this season…first 1k I ran with Chandra, as she is new to running with me we were talking and did a slow pace run…Anupama joined us later and she took it off from there we ran together earlier many times and decided to keep a study pace, we ran […]
To make a difference in my life
When I wanted to make a difference in my life, I tried finding solutions for my problems, reading widely that is available on internet, spoke to people who are under going the same as me etc…….I learned how to move on, how to be practical, how to transform my emotion into a powerful action and […]