Last 10yrs of my journey into the world of visual impairment I was asked the same question by different friends and people whom I met along the way “How does it feel to be blind” every time my answer would be you must ask a Blind person, not me. I never considered my self being […]
Can’t you see? Are you blind?
My daily routine is to get up at 6:30 AM go for a run and then fetch breakfast at Manas Tiffin center which is walkable distance to my house and the park. Today also I went to the tiffin center and entered the place which is not much crowded at 07:30 and started ordering the […]
5things I learned after moving to Bangalore
Moving to Bangalore is one of the best decisions that I ever made in my life. I was confused and have no clued what I really wanted to do with my life that is when the opportunity at Enable India opened up. After my post why I live alone in Bangalore I thought a lot […]
Steps To Reduce Sttress, Frustration & Anger
From last couple of months there are lot of things which are worrying me and all my motivation levels are low am trying to keep my self occupied and trying to be cheerful and trying to ease out my stress and worry. I know that the magical word motivation is lost in my life and […]
My Favorite Quotes From The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
I am always a strong believer of the book “The Secret” and its laws. When I came to Bangalore during 2009 and started living alone I wanted to keep my self occupied and want to make the best use of my time. My sister Sirisha is a voracious reader and she suggested it’s time that […]