I was never a good reader of books. This might be due to I believe in practical learning’s than theoretical one. I learn by doing and observing myself. When ever I come across any incident I put myself in that place and just imagine what will be my feelings and emotions. I listen to people […]
Republic day what is it……
I literally forgot why we are celebrating Republic day. I just read wikipedia and understood that we are celebrating it on the day of formation of our constitution… How can I forget this? I read this during my schooling, but I read for someone else not for my self. We came a long way 60 […]
Wonderful Birthday Celebrations
I thought to write some thing about my birthday celebrations. There is nothing special about it, but still there is something extraordinary about yesterday. The whole day I was at Enable India and I was sitting with Shanti. What amazing learning’s it was a gold mine which was gifted to me by god. If I […]
On My Arrival At The Age Of 23
Another year has passed reminding me that I am growing old. What an amazing year 2009 was for me. A year has passed and a lot of changes have taken place, both professionally and personally. The year was full of happiness, joy, sorrow, laughter, jealous, pain, madness, anger and finally a year of amazing new […]