As the time goes things become less important…. all the vengence i have towards few people and society became less important when i asked the question of what for all this? Time to forgive but not forget… To achieve impossible things one must have a complete mental control and let go .
What it took to run my first 10k Marathon at auraville
What it took to run my first 10k Marathon at Auroville ! For starters, read my previous post to get an idea that I am running again. My sister wrote this on facebook and shared my photo, “He chose, he trained, he fell, he cursed, he screamed, he inspired, got tired but never stopped. Raghav’s […]
So I Am Running Again
For those who know me or following my blog posts for any period time you will observe that in my previous posts I told and cribbed how I miss running in the park. During 2011 October I lost a lot of my eyesight and I took a break to rethink and get out of that […]
The unseen changes
With 2012 coming to an end I thought to make my plans and to-do list for 2013. while I was trying to think and put down my thoughts on the word document, I realized, some where in my head I keep saying to my self that I haven’t done anything much in last 11 months. […]
Everyday morning
Every day when I wake up from the bed I thank my life and get on to my daily tasks, the first thing is always to get onto my computer and put a facebook status message that can motivate me and my friends to get their day started on high spirits. Every day I think […]