I have this line on my blog “I will help 1 Million men and women transform their lives” on Sunday I was speaking at a local online marketer’s meet and one of the attendees asked how are you going to achieve and how will you know it? Actually there is no system that can match, compare and provide analytics on greater good, so there is no way to caliculate greater good with greater number.
I want each one of us to have some big goals like this so that we create a better world, so I decided to do it. Now these are the way’s I am trying to achieve my vision
I put the face book page www.facebook.com/artofvision if I get 1million likes my reach will be to those million people.
I speak at events and often I will find at least one person who walks to me and say’s I am inspired.
I teach, volunteer with few non profits and work with startups in various capacities. Which makes a significant impact.
I realized that I don’t have to be huge rock star or a celebrity to make a difference in someone’s life directly. Today’s world needs a moment of motivation to start their day and digital technology is enabling all the channels for me to achieve it. If you are reading this post then go, make a promise to yourself that you will impact million lives’ and one day you will have stories of how you did it. Before I die I will certainly touch more than million lives and if you want to be part of my journey like my facebook page, subscribe to my blog or follow me on twitter.
Follow me on Twitter: www.twitter.com/artofvision
Like my Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/artofvision
a post that inspired me this morn…
a post that inspired me this morn…
@bhavana we must meet now that i am in Hyderabad…a bloggers meet? wat say?
@bhavana we must meet now that i am in Hyderabad…a bloggers meet? wat say?
Aah, Raghav not at blogger’s meet–but at a dinner at my place or some blogger’s place where we invite a set of fellow bloggers–to make community and inspire each other to new growth.
Aah, Raghav not at blogger’s meet–but at a dinner at my place or some blogger’s place where we invite a set of fellow bloggers–to make community and inspire each other to new growth.
@bhavana then i am game for it….i don’t know any bloggers in Hyderabad why don’t you invvite…Are you sure you want to do it at your home???
@bhavana then i am game for it….i don’t know any bloggers in Hyderabad why don’t you invvite…Are you sure you want to do it at your home???
Of course. Now until 3rd week July since I or others are travelling in this period.
Of course. Now until 3rd week July since I or others are travelling in this period.
@bhavana 9632996321 is my number…let’s talk and catch up.
@bhavana 9632996321 is my number…let’s talk and catch up.