During December when my doctor said I need to for dialysis or there will be multiple complications because of high creatine it was difficult to accept…but my dad gave me enough courage & next day I got admitted into hospital…the initial weeks of dialysis were stressful to me, I felt as if I am living in the hospital dialysis unit even though it was just for 5-6hrs & 3 times a week….
My dad said this is a mind game & we need to be strong mentally…if you give-up then it’s going to be tough….the future is unknown for now & I need to take it slowly…As I move forward my path will become clear & with it I get more clarity…
Now I go to dialysis with open mind & it doesn’t feel like I am spending time in hospital…most of the staff knows me & they treat me like prince…some come & make it a point to spend time with me…We chit chat & try to crack jokes….once I changed my perspective I started seeing that all the staff has a unique personality…in their 9hrs of shift they always smile & keep the mood light..
Initially during January I worked from home when I got my dialysis done but now I am going to work…I am getting my dialysis done early in the morning & going to work in the afternoon. As I am working part-time this is working fine for me…The dialysis technician reminds me always that I need to eat high protein food & be strong both physically & mentally…
So I got into a routine with this new life & I take the day as it comes. No extensive planning & no anxiety about future…The path will reveal it-self as I move forward…
Tell me about ur dad and the mind game part!!! Live by it every day 🙂
Love the way you took everything in stride!!!! Loads of love and Huge God bless always !
Hi Sai,
You know what i am getting to understand my dad now…He is a very strong person mentally & his will power is immense…That keeps me safe & gives me a lot of strength…I know that i can count on him…He is always there when i am down & was worried.