With 2012 coming to an end I thought to make my plans and to-do list for 2013. while I was trying to think and put down my thoughts on the word document, I realized, some where in my head I keep saying to my self that I haven’t done anything much in last 11 months. I started to note down every achievement and all important events that happened in last 11 months. I thought to share some thoughts,
1. Exactly last year November my eye sight took a huge jump and with in few day’s I lost a lot of my eye sight and this resulted in little depression, frustration and anger. I kicked out of it during Feb and March of this year and can see I am trying to make necessary changes in life. The transition took almost 1yr for me to accept and move forward. I still think and acct like a sited but along with time things change and I will learn. The truth of not able to see or being completely blind tomorrow doesn’t hurt me any more. The emotional thread is lost during this transition…
2. Once my eye sight has worsened I was not able to go for my morning runs and this part of my daily routine discontinued now for almost a year. I still miss running but even before I go for my next run I realized I need to prepare myself mentally for all the possibilities that can happen while I am doing it. I think now I am ready to take this challenge, now I know how blur eye sight is not much helpful on the track and how I need to rely on other senses to more efficiently than before.
3. I did a job for 2 and half years with a lot of frustration and each day I thought I will quit tomorrow. During the month of January I even told my mum, dad and sis that I will quit and get onto some thing else because I never loved what I was doing. On Feb 24th I met Puneet at Global Service Jam and that changed everything in my life, we became good friends and he referred me for a job opening which I love and thankfully today I am doing what I love. My dad always say’s you must be at the right place, with right people and at the right time and this incident proved it to me.
It just happens I got more work done and laid a foundation for my future during this year and am sure lessons learned will be useful during my journey. It is always good to chase new goals but just take a stop, take a deep breath and try to put your achievements on a paper and see the magic it does on you …
Hi raghava,
when do we get together and make that movie man 🙂 ?
time just seems to be flying!
may good things happen in the coming year.
hey mahesh yes time is just going away….so much to do and all life revolves around time..we will do it during 2013..
Good to know that you didn’t totally give up.
Hey Louise,
every time when i think to give it up, i have only one thing to consider….did i put my all strengths to get it done and when i feel no, i have a task to accomplish…failure doesn’t trouble me any more it helps me to learn and move forward…
Hi Raghav,
Never give up … it’s tough but not impossible.
Great going.. I also need to make a list like this I guess. 🙂 Take care and all the very best.
Keep the faith and more power to you!