Few weeks back I was trying to find a pair of socks so that I can pack them for my travel, but to my frustration I found that all my 10-15 pair of socks got mixed and my blood pressure touched to the peak level. It was frustrating not able to find things the right way when I wanted them, butt I cooled my mind and sat down in the chair for few minutes without doing any activity. then I got into analysis of how they all got mixed because my maid keep each pair as a set and places them in such a way that I don’t have to struggle. It is in my nature that when I am trying to find something a sock, hanky, towel etc and when I don’t find them I tend to search every where and mess things around. In this way when I was searching for my towel previous day I messed around with socks and they fell down from the rope.
No one to blame or shout at I decided to learn the art of identifying the socks with my touch because some where down the line it is helpful. For continuously 3hrs I sat down took each socks into my hand felt each thread, design, length , any special marks etc. it is frustrating because when I was having low vision I just need to go out in sun light and I can identify them easily but now I need to spend time and energy for doing this simple task. Finally at the end of 3rd hour I was able to place 10 pairs correctly and remaining 5 pairs are confusing, some socks do not even have pairs. They might be found in some corners of my house.
I thought that identifying objects with the art of touch is a special gift and only few are gifted with it, but once I finished this task I once again understood that brain can be trained in what ever way we want. It is difficult, painful in many ways, you sweat, thoughts race for easy solutions, there is continuous disturbance but if you are willing to hookup to the task there is a lot of joy when you are done.
“it is frustrating because when I was having low vision I just need to go out in sun light and I can identify them easily but now I need to spend time and energy for doing this simple task…..”!
most of us do not go such drastic changes in life..and yet little bit of change of plan or failure make us mad.we loose heart and really look for an escape…an easy one.
but you didn’t give up.
everyday you learn to cope with changing situation…
that’s make you a fighter.
just don’t be bitter in the process..
keep smiling too!keep the faith.
Bhavna only when i become bitter and angry doors to my creative world opens because i start looking for solutions and want to win over this problem. It is a process where i move from one personality to another but i am sure i will be always coming back different as possible. Every fighter needs a reason to fight and i think the world of visual impairment is the reason for me.
rofl….indeed very true!
I concur.
When u r angry or dissapointed (in my case), doors of creativity open.
Great blog post. Well narrated.