I thought to put this up here and let the world know the real possibilities of “what any person is capable off in spite of their challenges”. If you really want to know then attend this event and let me know what you all think. Got this mail from Shanti Founder of Enable India www.enable-india.org […]
Enable India
What is the difference between Learning and relearning
Life is all about learning’s and putting those learning’s into practice which will improvise our life is my philosophy. But few days back some thing happened which put me into thought process and I started to question my self how tough is to relearn every aspect of life. Relearning…..I thought to my self, I never […]
Why disability should scare you more than Osama Bin Laden
Disability is scary for some people and especially for corporate world. Let me share my experiences and feelings. This is an on going series so you can connect the threads as I post and any questions put it in comments section. There is a big story behind my entering the web world and this all […]
Wonderful Birthday Celebrations
I thought to write some thing about my birthday celebrations. There is nothing special about it, but still there is something extraordinary about yesterday. The whole day I was at Enable India and I was sitting with Shanti. What amazing learning’s it was a gold mine which was gifted to me by god. If I […]