Here I am sitting in my Hyderabad house & excited about writing this blog post….life has taken more turns than ever during this year & it looks like many more are yet to come…it is not that I have no stories or I have no time for this blog, I just ignored writing because I felt there is no space for this & something inside my mind did not allow me to write….with all the awesome things happening people asked me “Raghava” are you happy? I think I asked this question many times than any one else….still I have no answer, so I say this to my self…
“I am happy & I am sad too”
“I am not happy & I am not sad”
Ok here are those wonderful things that happened in last few months,
I purchased my own house….after going through lot of mental stress, I took the decision to buy my own house in Bangalore….my dad helped me all the way, got a loan & got the house registered on my birthday…a present to my self & a present from my family…
Changed my job, I quit IBM India & joined a company called Deque Software’s & as part of my new job I moved to Hyderabad…..this job is paying me well & my parents are happy with the move…
I have more stories to tell, so I am keeping this blog post small and short…will try to write as much as I can…I feel my thirst to write or to think died….will have to rekindle the fire in my mind.