Non-Profit Marketing is one of those wrongly understood concepts in the online marketing space. Generally, more often than not,we tend to neglect people working for non-profit organizations and regard them without respect or dignity. This might be due to the misconception that non profits are money making machines and are formed to gain donations and to ‘enjoy’ that money; in other words, use the money obtained from donors for other expenses or entertainment rather than the purpose for which it is intended and for which reason the NGO was formed. But this is not the real situation at a lot of non profits. They do a lot of credible work and unfortunately, that work is not projected properly due to lack of resources or understanding.Clearly, I am speaking about countries such as India where social stigma is attached to NGO’s and people are more often valued by the salaries they draw rather than the value addition they impart to the society.
However, situation is changing rapidly and this is one area which is a niche market and is not explored by many marketers.
During 2010 February, I heard about Beth Kanter who visited India and was amazed about how she is using social media and technology to evangelize non profits in the West, in turn giving them a media outreach. Her web log is a resource hub for any one who wants to step into non profit marketing transform the society with technology as powerful weapon.
I strongly felt that this is the arena I would like to grow in and I am in the process of finally getting things done. With in few days, I will be launching my new blog which is hugely concentrated on the non profit marketing and also about my agenda of the projects/ workshops which I will be conducting in the next few months.
Best wishes Raghav
Hey enidhi thanks a lot..