My daily routine is to get up at 6:30 AM go for a run and then fetch breakfast at Manas Tiffin center which is walkable distance to my house and the park. Today also I went to the tiffin center and entered the place which is not much crowded at 07:30 and started ordering the breakfast at the counter. Suddenly I hear a women’s voice excuse me “can’t you see? Are you blind?”, first I was confused and then I understood she was referring to me. Her voice is cold with anger and I did not understand why she is furious and I realized that when I entered the tiffin center I might have accidently brushed her with my hand as she is very near to the place where I came from. I showed my cane and I think she understood that I am really blind, she just told sorry and went off.
When she asked can’t you see? Are you blind? Unknowingly tears rolled in my eye’s and then my mind told I am not suppose to cry and suddenly tears stopped. I took my parcel and while I was leaving she came again and said that she is facing to the other side and talking to her friend so she did not realize that I cannot see. Then I understood that it was not my hand, leg or cane which touched her, it was my over sized fat jacket which might have brushed. Because if I am aware that I touched someone while I am moving in public I always make sure that I apologize, but here I did not even feel it to my senses.
How did I feel when she asked that question so rudely?
First I had an uneasy feeling about something, as if my heart is twisted and then a surge of anger burst into my blood. In the first instance my unconscious mind told me to say “fuck you can’t you see that I really cannot see” and my consciousness told not to talk anything. As soon as I came back home I gave a call to my sister and she cheered me up saying that today I enlightened a person with a lot of awareness on disability which even cheered me up. That’s true, controlling a minute of anger has made my day more cheerful.
PS…These kind of experiences has happened a lot of times while I was studying in college, but in Bangalore along with my cane I never was in some kind of situation like this, so got hot headed quickly.
Hi raghava It was a lesson that we never forget. nowadays people are so blind that they don’t say sorry for te mistakes they commit. even i was been humiliated also. but this wil lead us to lead better life in future
Hey Shankar,
Yes these are learning’s in our life and we must move forward. I know your life story and i understand how you feel…
Blindness has nothing to do with eyesight. There is one famous idiom which goes like this.
“There’s none so blind as those who will not see.”
We are all so much blind in many areas of our lives
Hi Sumit,
That’s a good idiom…it took me a while to understand and yes your are very truethat we are blinded in many way’s than we think.
Hey Raghav… so true controlling that moment of anger and to rationally think abt the situation makes hell of a difference. I am proud of u…
Hi Dheeksha,
I don’t know why and how i controlled my anger at that moment, but it made all the difference in my life.
awesome post buddy. Thumbs up
Hey Harsha,
Thanks a lot for stopping by and commenting.
A nice post, this one! And I suggest you let people be the way they are. You are blessed with better vision and a much clearer perception of life than any of us. The thing is, that you have more tolerance toward us and we should thank you for that.
So please, let the ones with the eyes be jerks. 🙂 You just smile and thank God you aren’t one :)) And keep the cane handy. Bangalore roads are terrible.
Hope to catch up with you soon!!
Poonam Kulkarni
Hi Poonam,
Thanks a lot for your encouraging comments and yes the Bangalore roads are terrible and i need to keep the cane handy always.
I just want to say what a pleasure was to meet you! I have no more to say than, “Impossible is nothing”.
By the way, I can´t find you in facebook
Lúcia from Portugal
HHey Lucia,
It was great meeting you and yes nothing is impossible. Ahhhh you can catch me here at
First of all I am sorry to hear that incident and I am happy to hear that the incident didn’t get messed up. You have done a great job on controlling your emotions for a second which is quite hard to do at that situations more often. Thanks to that lady who later realised and said apology (most of them don’t do it often) and finally good to have a great sister cum motivator inside your family …Have a cheerful day!!