Simply Social…..What is it?
One thing i like about Bangalore is the kind off events that take place here. Today if i compare Bangalore and Hyderabad i feel that the crowd of Hyderabad must do a lot off events and keep the spirit alive…..I love Bangalore and i keep track most of the events which take place in Bangalore. One such event is Simply Social which pulled my interested on an immediate effect because of it’s unique call for action and speaker’s who are presenting at the event.
I thought to do a small post about the event and let people know about this Social Media Marketing Event which is taking place in Bangalore. Here is the official invitation for Simply Social.
We invite you to the biggest Social Media Event in Bangalore, Buzzom Social MediaBootstrapping in association with Yourstory.The event brings together entrepreneurs, social media experts and industry leaders together to discuss and explore the role of social media in the growth of businesses especially in the Indiancontext. Also the event will mark the launch of the first Online Brand Manager product in theIndian market.Key Highlights-Product Launch – Social Web Engagement and Analytics-Entrepreneurs sharing their case studies on the use of social media to leverage their businesses- Social media experts sharing the new trends and opportunities in this space-Meet the Social InvestorsDate: 23rdNovember, 2010Venue: Royal Orchid Central, Manipal Centre. Bangalore This event offers ample of opportunities to network, learn the intricacies of social media and connect with the experts in the industry.What’s on the agenda?
• Lectures by top echelons of social media marketing
• Exposition of real-world case studies
• Launch of first ever Social Web Engagement and Analytics platform from India
For more information, please visit the website at
You can also get in touch with us anytime at :-Sweta: 080 40971130 or Deep: 09611122994
I am really excited about the event and if you are coming to the event please don’t forget to say hello.
Raghav, I missed to say hello in Search summit, Chennai. This time wont miss you. Would meet you in Bangalore.
Hey buddy, yes will surely meet…
I sure will come in and not just say Hello, however also introduce the ClickAsia Summit speaker to the crowd. 😉
Hey Brandbull….come on now there are many more great speaker’s who are coming there for the event and i must thank you and Preetham who gave that first opportunity to come and speak at Social Campfire…