Hey all,
We need to get little language here right. We need to use the word disability which is correct & is understood by all.
Differently Abled- Are we all not different & don’t we have different abilities. So how can call only disable people as differently abled?
Special needs- we all have different needs so how can the needs of disable be special?
Challenged- this is the latest addition I am hearing from a lot of youngsters while referring to disable groups… if you cannot drive a car then you are challenged so are we calling all the human race a challenged one because each one of them cannot do something or the other?
We as disable identify & would want to be identified by the right language. Disability is the word because we have limitation that can be seen or unseen. We talk about them openly & some may want to keep it to themselves.
I totally agree with the thoughts expressed in this post I had written about this on LinkedIn like for example Sachin Tukar cricketer and Stevie Wonder the musician, both have different skills and talents. They are differently enabled.