I thought to do a blog post on the places from where I get most of my internet marketing knowledge. There are lots of websites which provide internet marketing information but I got a rich taste, so I choose only elite places. I follow very few people and I think it’s sufficient to start off earning money through internet.
1. Seofaststart– This is a blog ran bySEO Guru Dan Thies and you can visit his site at www.seofaststart.com. Join his mailing list and get cool seo book for free and link building videos.
2. Under Ground Training Lab– This blog is ran by Traffic expet Jeff Johnson and visit him at www.undergroundtraininglab.com. He has really got some underground techniques, he is a super affiliate. Don’t forget to join his mailing list too to get 75 videos on internet marketing and affiliate marketing. Check his cool little SEO Blog software Plugin too.
3. Stompernet- This is my all time favourite stompernet is launched in 2006 and has done more than 12 million dollars of business in 12 hrs. It’s one of the biggest launches in the space of internet marketing history. You can visit them at www.stomperblog.com for cool videos, articles and podcasts. Since it’s launch I am following stompernet and got a tremendous knowledge and my mentor is a Stompernet Elite Member.
4. Traffic Geyser- Visit www.trafficgeyser.com and you will only discover how powerful the tool is. For free stuff just scroll their blog and I am sure you will like those videos and podcasts. Founder of Traffic Geyser is Mike koenigs and you can visit his site too at www.mikekoenigs.com
5. Eben Pagan- I cannot say what you can learn from this amazing personality. He is the author of some amazing programs like Get Altitude, Wake up Productive and he has got a company which does 20 million dollars worth of business. Google his name and join his mailing list. Here is the google search result link http://www.google.co.in/#hl=en&source=hp&q=eben+ppagan&btnG=Google+Search&meta=&aq=f&oq=eben+ppagan&fp=58ffa43166db4145
6. Andy Jenkins– Andy …….he is my all time favourite. He was previously the CEO of stompernet and left stompernet last year. He is the king of web videos and you can visit his blog at www.andyjenkinsblog.com. When you are there don’t hesitate to join his mailing list, he got only top quality content to share.
7. Jerry West– Jerry is a real SEO expert and give only his research experience on his 583 domains. You can visit him at www.seorevolution.com and read his articles which are of massive value. I was a member at his website for a while and dropped it due to various reasons.
There are many other guys like Frank Kern, Yanik Silver, Rich Schefren, john Karlton etc. There are thousands of them who are expert in their own areas. If you are a newbie to online marketing world, you must try these guys.
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