Few months back google announced that they are going to update their search algorithms and I think they named it as kaffeine update. People are worried of their rankings, but google announced this particular update is to make indexing more faster. Later they introduced live searche results by partnering with twitter and showing the tweets in the searches. This was a major change in google search pphenominan and hit the market. I thought to list out my observations here on google
1. Google is giving importance to content and solutions. Search results are more of forums, blogposts, answers etc.
2. Google is looking more at user generated content and designed their algorithm in such a way they can reduce the spam too. For example twitter conversations.
3. Google is giving importance to social media conversations and the importance of the content generated in those conversation like social networking groups, wikis etc.
4. I have seen triple intended listings, that means three listings of same website, blog appearing in same search result page.
5. Video’s are being shown depending the topic and how close the search result is.
6. Web2.0 properties like hubpages and squidoo are gaining importance in search results.
7. Link spam is being figured out and all the paid links are not valid any more.
Google is indexing the web more faster as they promised. I am able to see that my blog post is indexed in 2 minutes and started appearing in search results. I have no idea how google is going to evolve, but the latest buzz of social media is showing that to get traffic no need to rely on google any more.
Thanks Raaghava this post will help me…great post
Thanks Raaghava this post will help me…great post