Today did my first 10k for this season…first 1k I ran with Chandra, as she is new to running with me we were talking and did a slow pace run…Anupama joined us later and she took it off from there we ran together earlier many times and decided to keep a study pace, we ran together for 3km when shiv, paroma and jaya passed us. I kept in pace with shiv and decided to do a little run with him as I haven’t ran with him before, we ran little faster than before and I was tired by end of my 7th kilo meter…Shiva encouraged me a lot during the run and guided me well , think I slowed him down but we enjoyed running together…Anupama joined us later and I thought to finish the run by doing only 8k so me and Anu sprinted to the starting point…Anu finished her 10k and I did 8k, but shiv came to me and said come on Raghava I will accompany you we will finish your run…let’s run at easy pace and enjoy the feeling. I got a new feeling and a motivation to finish the next 2k…finally we did it…just loved the feeling end of it and I must really thank Shiv for making me do that last stretch…
Ran by catching the fingers and listening to the study sound of my co runner shoes and their vocal guidance. We did not use the regular shampoo bottle method today and for some awesome reason I felt safe and comfortable running by leaving fingers. Looking forward to do my next 10k on June 2nd at Ananda Yana marathon.
Way to goo…..
Thanks to you Raghavendra Satish Peri for being yourself and not letting go! You inspire us as much as the community pushes you!