This is taken from the notes of my sister Sirisha. I thought to share it here because this notes of my sister took me back into the time andmade me realise how important a good memory is. She made me realise the value of “LOVE” just with this post.
Goodbye grandfather, for all those times that you were with us;even if it was visiting us ocassionally in the city ,looking at us grandchildren proudly like achievers for no reason except that we are your blood,for all those moments where you’d share old memories from far away times spanning over 70+yrs.
I especially remember the Diwali celebrations from the past few years where you spent your month long yearly vacation with our family.Even this November 2010, you did fire some sparklers .
I know how daunting this should be for a health freak of 79+yrs, who was diagnosed and operated for cancer few months ago and was under constant medication.
Also, a double tragedy of fracturing your rib with the fatal fall, really confined you to bed.
However, I always knew that you really had this flair for life. Whether it was keeping yourself healthy, staying fit, eating right food, attending family gatherings,engaging in conversations with your friends, reading books even if they were religious.I am constantly told that you held me close quite always when I was a little baby.
I might not know all that but surely, I can never forget you lefting me up from the bed just 3 yrs before when I was completely bedridden with monstrous arthritis and other medical issues.
You supported me when I literally cried out of pain and tried to calm me down saying that “this will pass away”.
You were there when I almost lost my life and again when I decided to fight it all back.
I appreciate that you never imposed any control on us whether it was our varied choice for careers ,friends or even marriage and never discriminated against ‘me’.
I respected the fact that you never intruded other’s privacy and was averse to giving unasked opinions or advice.
These past few months have been taxing for you and I was hoping just yesterday that since you had borne enough pain, so you be taken away.Been anticipating death for months; I never understood though, that your death would be so painful or that I would left in tears.
We all again miscalculated our mental detachment and preparedness for the moment.
While the whole world celebrates their love, relations and marriages this Valentine’s day; I would be mourning that I never got a last glimpse of you or because I never called you just a few days before while you could still murmur .
I would share my dad’s pain and regret, since he was also too late.
Rest in peace and know that we love you.
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Touching post Raghava. It is so difficult to express one’s true feelings at times like this but your sister has done it beautifully.